Metaphysical Classes
Sacred Geometry I
Learn the universal language of God and Nature! In this foundational class, you will learn to connect with these sacred geometries and use them to create safe, protected, high vibration spaces in your home, work, or when you travel!
Investment: $150
Upcoming class: TBD
Astral Travel I
Learn to expand your consciousness beyond your physical body to travel anywhere in the known universe! In this class, you will learn how to safely travel in the astral realm to gain knowledge, understanding, and enlightenment to assist with your spiritual progression.
Investment: $150
Upcoming class: TBD
Sanctuary Meditation
Learn to connect with your Higher Self! In this class, you will be handed down this meditation technique to access your personal sanctuary and meet with your Higher Self so you can create a deeper relationship and receive guidance for your highest good.
Investment: $50
Next class: TBD
7 Mystery Schools
For thousands of years, the 7 Mystery Schools have quietly existed to protect and preserve the ancient wisdom and spiritual keys to unlocking the evolution of humanity. They are dedicated to bringing more light to the world for the progression of everyone on this planet.
The 7 Mystery Schools are found in Africa, Australia, England, Japan, North America, Romania, and Tibet. The North American Mystery School has been renamed the Modern Mystery School and is the only mystery school open to the public.
In this class, you will connect to the energies of each mystery school to experience the different energies that each secret tradition holds.
Investment: $50
Upcoming class: TBD
Awaken Thyself
If you are seeking a spiritual path, this class will introduce you to the ancient mystery school tradition in the Lineage of King Salomon which goes back over 3,500 years:
- Understand the essence and importance of initiation in the path and its many benefits to help with your spiritual growth
- Learn two rituals for protection and calling down energies
- Experience a guided meditation technique to gain deeper insights into the self and a special ritual ceremony at the end of the class
Investment: $50
Next class: TBD
Spiritual Intuition
Everyone has the innate intuitive ability that guides us in our everyday life. In this 2-hour workshop, you will learn how to activate your spiritual senses and how to strengthen them to increase your psychic abilities. You will learn tools that you can practice daily to develop your spiritual intuition.
Investment: $50
Upcoming class: TBD